Friday 24 April 2009

Weekly Roundup - 24th April 2009

This has been my poorest week for dividend income so far in 2009. To date, my total dividend income has been £1744.87, an average of £109.05 a week. This was was a desert in terms of dividend payers, with a total of only £19.55 hitting my broker accounts.
I should not complain - stocks should not be bought solely on the dates they pay a dividend, but it is a little comforting to know in these difficult times that a steady income stream is trickling through!
All this weeks dividends were from US stocks - £10.90 for Medical Properties. Assuming the same dividend payments for the other three quarters this makes a yield of 14.6% against my purchase price. Very nice.
£3.87 received from DTE Energy - giving an annualised yield of 5.2%, and finally £4.78 from Realty Income, the monthly paying REIT (giving an annualised yield of approx 5.74%).
All these three are producing income far in excess of current interest rates and I am pleased with the income so far.
Three trades to report this week - all top up buys.
Interior Services Group - bought more at £1.20 to add to my existing holding. This business has been quietly winning 2012 contracts, and are trading on a ridiculously low PE of 3.4. At my purchase prtice, I expect a yield in excess of 11% in the next year based on the forecast dividend of 13.4p, which is comfortably covered by earnings.
The other two were top ups in my ISA - GlaxoSmithKline and Royal Dutch Shell. Both are mega caps and still increasing their dividends. Glaxo have just increased their quarterly dividend by 8% to 14p, and Royal Dutch Shell are expecting to lift their dividend by 5% this year. I bought both at good prices - Glaxo at £10.03 (yield forecast 6.05%) and Shell (forecast yield 7.8%).
I am expecting a lot more dividends next week which is good news.
One final note, my portfoilio at Friday lunchtime stands at £141,444 - up for the week which started at £139444, and I am down -3.1% YTD, which is a lot better than just a few weeks ago.

The Architect

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